Board Members


Dr Remigio Chingara MZIM

President of Zimbabwe Institute of Management, Great Zimbabwe University Lecturer

Mr. Reward Chakanyuka MZIM

ZIM Vice President, Group Internal Audit Supervisor for Meikles Limited


Mr. Canaan Mpala MZIM

ZIM Bulawayo Branch Chairman, General Manager TelOne Centre for Learning TCFL


Mr. Alouis Muzhira MZIM

ZIM Chairman Of the Membership Committee, Head Of Credit Portfolio Monitoring and Reporting


Mr. Cliff Gondo FZIM

ZIM Risk and Audit Chairman, Capacity Building Director for PRAZ

Mr. Charles James Changara Hon.Fellow ZIM

Zim Immediate Past President, Chairman Of the Business Development Committee, and Lecturer


Mr.  Rugare M Mashonganyika MZIM

ZIM Senior Vice President, Head of Finance and Administration (NECWEI)

Mr. Ernest Samanga MZIM

ZIM Vice Chairman of Business Development, Human Resources Manager at Tiger Tires


Ms. Pamela Mutsinze MZIM

ZIM Member of the Human Recourse and Legal Committee, Human Resources at CeSHHAR


Mrs. Abigail Rugoho MZIM

ZIM Member of the Audit Committee, Financial Advisor to an Executive Director in an NGO

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