Executive Diploma in Sports Management (EDSM)

Executive Diploma in Sports Management (EDSM)
  • PROGRAMME DESCRIPTION  :                     

The Executive Diploma in Sports Management is offered by the Zimbabwe Institute of Management in partnership with the Sports and Recreation Commission of Zimbabwe. The program is designed to equip sports executives with modern leadership skills to enhance their performance. The diploma focuses on managing sport as a business, sport governance strategic planning and performance measurement and using sport as a tool to achieve development.

    •  PROGRAM COVERAGE :      

    • Delegates will be required to carry out a research-based management project and submit an acceptable Business Project Report which should be at least 6 000 words in length and should earn a Grade ‘C’ or higher

  •  WHO SHOULD ATTEND :      
    • Senior executives, policy makers, decision takers those being groomed to take over senior corporate positions
    • Those in senior management who closely assist the CEO
    • Leaders in any kind of business environment, commercial or industrial, or those being earmarked for a senior leadership or executive position.
    • Delegates wishing to attend selected modules may do so and will receive an attendance certificate only after they have successfully completed the relevant assignments. Modules may be attended in any order.

    • Applicants must meet the following to be admitted to the programme.
    • A minimum education standard of 5 ‘O’ level subjects including English and Maths or the equivalence,
    • currently occupy a leadership post in their organisation,
    • Consideration may be given to mature applicants who may not have ‘O’ levels, provided they have occupied a leadership position for a minimum of 5 years.

    • Delegates will be required to carry out a research-based management project and submit an acceptable Business Project Report which should be at least 6 000 words in length and should earn a Grade ‘C’ or higher

  •  WHO SHOULD ATTEND :      
    • Senior executives, policy makers, decision takers those being groomed to take over senior corporate positions
    • Those in senior management who closely assist the CEO
    • Leaders in any kind of business environment, commercial or industrial, or those being earmarked for a senior leadership or executive position.
    • Delegates wishing to attend selected modules may do so and will receive an attendance certificate only after they have successfully completed the relevant assignments. Modules may be attended in any order.

    • Applicants must meet the following to be admitted to the programme.
    • A minimum education standard of 5 ‘O’ level subjects including English and Maths or the equivalence,
    • currently occupy a leadership post in their organisation,
    • Consideration may be given to mature applicants who may not have ‘O’ levels, provided they have occupied a leadership position for a minimum of 5 years.


Applicants must meet the following to be admitted to the programme.


  1. 5 ‘O’ level passes at grade C or better, including English Language and Mathematics.
  2.  Have obtained a Certificate/Diploma in Sports Management or a qualification equivalent and at least 3 years Sports management experience
  3.  Exceptional cases, candidates who hold senior sport managerial positions and have 3 years of sports management experience and are in possession of qualifications other than sports, may be considered.

    • Zoom or Google Meet, modular block release. We offer Weekend Online Classes

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